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RE: Hungarian labels on the USDA texture triangle [ Reply ]
By: Brigitta Toth on 2012-12-18 17:09
Dear Julien,

Thank you very much. I'm happy for your answer. Ok, it's very much enough if I can make them dissapear. I'm going to try it.

Kind greetings,


RE: Hungarian labels on the USDA texture triangle [ Reply ]
By: Julien Moeys on 2012-12-17 06:52
Hi Brigitta,

sorry for the late reply (I had forgotten about your question)

It is not easy to "tune" the arrows on the diagram (especially not the fact that they point inward -- this is necessary for readability)

But you can make them disapear:
TT.plot( arrows.lty = 0 )

There is in fact a parameter "", but I realise it is not implemented internally!

Cheers /Julien

RE: Hungarian labels on the USDA texture triangle [ Reply ]
By: Brigitta Toth on 2012-12-04 21:17

hun_texturetriangle.jpeg (25) downloads
Dear Julien,

Thank you very much. It workes very well with the abbreviations.

If I try to replace the abbreviations with the full texture class name then unfortunately it does not work, because in Hungarian names we have special characters. But having the Hungarian abbreviations is a very good solution and totally enough (I have attached it).

Thanks a lot again for your fast and very helpful answer.

I would like to ask one last thing. How can I format the arrows? a) If I do not want to show any of them or b) I would like to have a simple one which does not show onto any percentages just runs under the axis.

Kind greetings,

RE: Hungarian labels on the USDA texture triangle [ Reply ]
By: Julien Moeys on 2012-12-04 16:29
Hi Brigitta

Here is an example on the way to change the abbreviations in a texture triangle:

## R code (start)

library( "soiltexture" )

## English USDA
TT.plot( class.sys = "USDA.TT" )

## Get the original triangle
hung <- TT.get( "USDA.TT" )

## Class abbrev:
names( hung[[ "tt.polygons" ]] )
length( names( hung[[ "tt.polygons" ]] ) )

## New abbreviations
names( hung[[ "tt.polygons" ]] ) <- c(
"C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5", "C6",
"C7", "C8", "C9", "C10", "C11", "C12" )

TT.add( "NEW_USDA.TT" = hung )

## USDA with new names
class.sys = "NEW_USDA.TT",
main = "Your title" )

## R code (end)

Modifying the names is a bit more complicated, as it can not be done with just one command. But maybe you can make another copy of the texture triangle, and replace the abbreviations by texture class names?

Does this solve your problem?

Cheers /Julien

Hungarian labels on the USDA texture triangle [ Reply ]
By: Brigitta Toth on 2012-12-03 14:35
Dear All,

I would like to ask how can I rewrite the labels of the USDA texture triangle. I would like to add the Hungarian names (abbreviation and name as well). I try to follow what is given in "The soil texture wizard" about customizing texture triangle, but it seems that for the modification of the "tt.polygons" multiple steps are needed.
Could you please help me?

With regards,

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