Forum: POT_1.0-5 on CRAN

Posted by: Mathieu Ribatet
Date: 2007-11-04 12:40
Summary: POT_1.0-5 on CRAN
Project: Modelling Peaks Over Threshold


Release 1.0-5 of the POT package is now on CRAN.

Here's some of the changes:

- Add a ``convassess'' function to assess for convergence of the fitted uvpot and bvpot objects.
- Some minor changes for uvpot fitting process to increase robustness
- Density plot can return histogram in addition.
- Add a confint function to provide a generic access for (profile) confidence interval computing

Latest News

POT version 1.0-6 on CRAN

Mathieu Ribatet - 2007-12-08 19:29 -

POT_1.0-5 on CRAN

Mathieu Ribatet - 2007-11-04 12:40 -

The POT package is now available

Mathieu Ribatet - 2007-10-14 14:54 -


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