Forum: RQDA-0.1.6 RC3

Date: 2008-12-18 21:36
Summary: RQDA-0.1.6 RC3
Project: RQDA: CAQDA with R


Major changes are:
* Add facilitators for organizing files (useful if you have more than dozens of files)
* Search files button
* Improve organization of cases (can open files assigned to the case)
* Add Settings Tab, so user can change settings (e.g. colors for coding) easily
* New function write.FileList() to import files by batch
* Improve pdelete(),list.deleted() and undelete(). New function of CleanProject()
* Add pop-up menus of right-click to makes it easier to use
* Codes and Coding cummary functions: CrossCode(), SummaryCoding()
* Fix bugs.

Features of 0.1.6 is frozen. More test is needed. If there is no big issues are found, I would like to submit it to CRAN. Thanks for your attention.

Latest News

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HUANG RONGGUI - 2011-09-11 01:43 -

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HUANG RONGGUI - 2010-03-02 17:55 -

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HUANG RONGGUI - 2009-05-15 10:51 -

RQDA-0.1-6 is on CRAN

HUANG RONGGUI - 2009-01-02 09:43 -

RQDA-0.1.6 RC3

HUANG RONGGUI - 2008-12-18 21:36 -


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