Forum: RQDA-0.1.5 is released

Date: 2008-11-22 16:34
Summary: RQDA-0.1.5 is released
Project: RQDA: CAQDA with R


I am glad to say that the include-0.1.5 is released, I regard it as release candidate version (RC1).

The Data Table has been reorganized (compared to version 0.1.3), so it may not compatible with that of last release. Sorry for inconvenience. It will not change anymore in the coming year. And if it does change, I will provide converter.

The major changes include:
+ Enhancement of portability of the *.rqda file (Data are stored in UTF-8).
+ Facilitators helps to categorize codes,which is key to theory building (I deliberately avoid using tree-like categorization, I think it is confusing sometimes).
+ There is a case category, which is crucial feature to bridge qualitative and quantitative research
+ Search information about selected case from the Internet vis pop-up menu
+ Other minor improvements and bug-fixes.

For more information, please check out the project home-page:

Feedback, comments and suggestions are all welcome.

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HUANG RONGGUI - 2008-12-18 21:36 -


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