R Development Page

Contributed R Packages

Below is a list of all packages provided by project Spatial point patterns and fda methods.

Important note for package binaries: R-Forge provides these binaries only for the most recent version of R, but not for older versions. In order to successfully install the packages provided on R-Forge, you have to switch to the most recent version of R or, alternatively, install from the package sources (.tar.gz).



Methods for Multivariate or Functional Data

  Nonparametric testing and visualization of samples consisting of vectors or arrays of observations x(t) taken at the same given measurement points t, such as functional data, time series or multivariate data (in the latter case, t is just an index). The independent variable may be multidimensional, but plotting is currently only possible for onedimensional arguments t (time series, functions of one variable). Comparison of group means of the data by a permutation tests (currently, the number of groups is limited to two). Pointwise rank based tests for goodness of fit.
  Version: 0.14.2-2 | Last change: 2015-06-10 21:27:25+02 | Rev.: 79
  Download: linux(.tar.gz) | windows(.zip) | Build status: Current
  R install command: install.packages("fdnonpar", repos="")
Package build: Source package (Linux x86_64) Windows binary (x86_64/i386)
Package check: Linux x86_64 (patched) | Linux x86_64 (devel) Windows (patched) | Windows (devel)


Tools for plotting with style

  Provides utilities for handling plot and graphic parameters, plotting lists of objects, colour tools. Plotting with style: plot parameters can be given as lists.
  Version: 0.3.1-1 | Last change: 2015-06-06 22:23:23+02 | Rev.: 73
  Download: linux(.tar.gz) | windows(.zip) | Build status: Current
  R install command: install.packages("plutils", repos="")
Package build: Source package (Linux x86_64) Windows binary (x86_64/i386)
Package check: Linux x86_64 (patched) | Linux x86_64 (devel) Windows (patched) | Windows (devel)


Analysis of Hidden Second-Order Stationary Point Processes

  Hidden second-order stationarity is a generalization of second-order stationarity. This comprises a wide class of both homogeneous and inhomogeneous models. An addition to the spatstat package, this package contributes functions for the analysis of homogeneous and inhomogeneous spatial point patterns that have been proposed in the paper "Inhomogeneous spatial point processes with hidden second-order stationarity" by Ute Hahn and Eva B. Vedel Jensen (2013), where hidden secon-order stationarity is defined. By contrast to spatstat, sostatpp provides a unified approach to the different types of inhomogeneity. To this point it includes reweighted, retransformed and rescaled versions of Ripleys K-function and the L-function, the directional K function DeltaKdir, and a framework for permutation tests. The package also supplies the data set scholtzia, which is not included in package spatstat. As of spatstat version 1.42, the permutation tests are now (in different form) also available in spatstat.
  Version: 0.12.2 | Last change: 2015-06-07 13:53:25+02 | Rev.: 76
  Download: linux(.tar.gz) | windows(.zip) | Build status: Failed to build
  R install command: install.packages("sostatpp", repos="")
Package build: Source package (Linux x86_64) Windows binary (x86_64/i386)
Package check: Linux x86_64 (patched) | Linux x86_64 (devel) Windows (patched) | Windows (devel)

Old Version: 0.12.2 | Last change: 2015-06-07 12:21:04
Old Version Download: linux(.tar.gz) | windows(.zip)


Build status codes

0 - Current: the package is available for download. The corresponding package passed checks on the Linux and Windows platform without ERRORs.
1 - Scheduled for build: the package has been recognized by the build system and provided in the staging area.
2 - Building: the package has been sent to the build machines. It will be built and checked using the latest patched version of R. Note that it is included in a batch of several packages. Thus, this process will take some time to finish.
3 - Failed to build: the package failed to build or did not pass the checks on the Linux and/or Windows platform. It is not made available since it does not meet the policies.
4 - Conflicts: two or more packages of the same name exist. None of them will be built. Maintainers are asked to negotiate further actions.
5 - Offline: the package is not available. The build system may be offline or the package maintainer did not trigger a rebuild (done e.g., via committing to the package repository).

If your package is not shown on this page or not building, then check the build system status report.

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